Community Engagement

Spring 2020: Group formed of Taney Street residents and neighbors in wake of George Floyd murder

Kickoff event at Markward Playground (a.k.a. “Taney Park”) in South Philadelphia earns coverage in Inquirer, CBS news

Initial petition to rename Taney Street receives 2,807 signatures

Community outreach begins – working with Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson’s office to design efforts during COVID times

Door-to-door campaign with postcards, door hangers, virtual town hall – all addresses on Taney Street have been contacted in person at least 3 times

Knocked on every door & listened to future values residents want for Taney Street

Shared ‘doorhangers’ & postcards at every household at least 3 times, and at half-dozen community events

solicited feedback by telephone hotline in addition to digital methods

Townhall asked for resident views in small group facilitated discussions

Fall 2020: Community engagement survey

89% of those on or within one block of Taney support

“Taney Street is my home, but I am embarrassed by its roots in White Supremacy”

“My block is diverse and vibrant, and the exact opposite of what Justice Taney stood for. My neighbors deserve better.”

Spring 2021: Second community engagement survey and collection of suggested names

All names suggested by residents

Summer 2021: Select your finalists survey

Ranked-choice voting on 17 person names and 8 concept names (all names proposed by neighbors & residents of Taney St)

97.3% of those participating support renaming

Fall 2021: Final name survey (five finalists)

Caroline LeCount receives 32.4% of votes

99.4% of those participating support renaming

Winter 2021: Letters of support collected from community organizations:

  • Brewerytown/Sharswood NAC
  • Fairmount CDC
  • Center City Residents Association (CCRA)
  • South of South Neighborhood Association (SOSNA)
  • Fitler Square Neighborhood Association (FSNA)
  • Bella Vista Neighborhood Association (BVNA)
  • Tasker Morris Neighborhood Association (TMNA)
  • Young Chances Foundation
  • AC Fairhill
  • Pennrose Developments
  • Earned media throughout the campaign: 9 articles, 2 tv appearances, 2 op-eds
  • and many more verbal offers of support from prominent community entities including R.O.A.D (grays ferry) and representative Donna Bullock’s office.
  • Councilmembers Johnson and Jones and Mayor Kenney express public support

Spring 2022: Councilmember Johnson goes on the record that he will introduce legislation that council session. Coalition begins letter-writing campaign to CM Clark’s office to obtain his necessary support for the legislation to be voted on. To date over 100 letters and phone calls were sent in support of Renaming Taney on our behalf. 

Coalition meets with CM Clark’s staff to showcase that we have completed a through civic engagement campaign and have the necessary community support. Coalition asks for CM Clarke support to place the matter on the spring’s legislative session. Coalition is told CM Clark will review efforts and be in touch.

Coalition holds 3 community events, street festival booths and a community teach in.

Coalition member Ben Keys sends Clark’s office another email April 25th after speaking with Rick Gross from CCRA that legal counsel Mary Jones had spoken of the matter and again asked how we can help move the matter forward. 

Summer 2022– Coalition is interviewed by Cherri Greg from NPR and a documentary crew from NPR Canada for separate projects (*interviews have not been published yet). 

 CM Clark legal Counsel Mary Jones states that Clarke wants the coalition to get a petition with a supermajority of residents living on Taney St in the 5th district, showing they, both understand what a name change means for them, as well as support of what the new name will be. The Coalition responds explaining that the ask was not possible due to covid, man power, and the logistics of obtaining that but again outlining the comprehensive engagement process, and reiterating that we had worked diligently with Councilmember Johnson to develop the process we undertook, including outlining what an official street name would entail for residents and again provided a copy of this to her. 

Fall 2022– Coalition members attend community action events and brief more community members on the effort.

Coalition plans and executes another pass of signature gathering along Taney Street in the 5th District. Earning more media coverage, additional support from businesses along Taney St including Over the Moon Philly. Obtain additional earned media via a news story on CBS news and in the Billy Penn.

Spring 2023- On February 28, the Editorial Board of the Philadelphia Inquirer endorsed our efforts, and published a stirring message directed at Philadelphia’s City Council: “C’mon, City Council, rename Taney Street already”.

On May 3, our supporters flooded Council President Clarke’s office with phone calls. On May 11th, our supporters attended city council’s live session, begging Clarke to introduce the LeCount Street bill.